Eco-Friendly RVing: Tips And Tricks For A Greener Trip

The entire world is focusing more and more on eco-friendly alternatives to different activities and products, so it’s no wonder that people are starting to look at RVing and wondering how to make it greener. People don’t tend to think of it as the most eco-friendly was to travel, or at least they didn’t use to think that.  But did you know there are ways to make your RVing trip much greener? And if you’re interested in eco friendly RVing, then today’s post is perfect for you, as we share some top tips and tricks for eco-friendly RV travel.

1. Think About Fuel Efficiency

The very best thing you can do when RVing to make it greener is to think about fuel efficiency. The less fuel you waste, the greener the trip will be. But how do you maximize your fuel efficiency so you’re filling up the tank less on trips?

Well, the first thing to do is plan your trip. As fun as an unplanned adventure may be, there’s no doubt you’ll waste more fuel. If you sit down before a trip and plan where you want to go, which campgrounds you want to use, and the best route to get between those places, then you’ll already be saving fuel, getting more miles per gallon, and making your trip much greener!

Another way to get more miles per gallon out of your RV is to make it lighter. Anything you take along and never use, just leave at home. The heavier your RV, the less efficient it will be with fuel and the less eco-friendly your trip. You should also keep up with your RV maintenance – tire pressure, oil checks, etc – because this all makes your RV more fuel-efficient.

2. Bring Alternative Travel

We don’t mean leave your RV at home – eco-friendly RVing doesn’t involve neglecting your RV altogether! But what you can do is pack up some bicycles. RVs are great at getting you from A to B, but when you reach your campground for the night, just leave your RV where it is and head out on bicycles for day trips when possible.

Think about the places you want to see in the area you’re staying and consider whether you’d be able to get there using your bike instead of using your RV or another vehicle. Bicycles are one of the most eco-friendly travel options out there, so include them in your RV trips to make them even greener.

3. Cut Down On Waste

This encompasses everything – whatever you buy on the road or bring with you from home – food, supplies, products. By reducing waste, you automatically make your trip greener because you aren’t throwing out leftovers. The more waste you produce on your RV trip, the less green it’ll be. So here are some tips on reducing waste:

  • Meal plan: by planning out each meal BEFORE buying any products, you’ll reduce waste
  • Compost: if there are leftovers, compost them and throw them out at municipal trash facilities when you get the chance
  • Don’t buy disposables: paper plates and similar products are popular amongst RVers because it’s easy to use when eating on the road – yes you’ll need to wash the dishes by avoiding disposables, but you’ll be working to save the planet and that’s a pretty good trade-off
  • Recycle: know what can and can’t be recycled in the area you’ve traveled to and recycle accordingly

Follow these simple tips, and your waste will be cut down considerably on your next trip.

4. Maximize Green Energy

Take a look at your RV as it stands right now. Are you using the most energy-efficient things to help reduce energy waste? Think about switching to LED lights, updating your kitchen appliances to be more energy-efficient, investing in insulation if you RV during colder months, and even just think about where you park your RV. It might sound crazy, but on hot days hit the shade to avoid using the AC, and on colder days park in direct sunlight to avoid using heaters. This can all help maximize your energy efficiency.

But more than that, you can also go green. Think about switching to green energy by making a few improvements to your RV. Could you install solar panels on the roof of your RV? Or could you pick up a portable one to help charge your devices on the road? The point is, there are greener ways of powering your RV (even biodiesel if you can get your hands on it and your RV is compatible), so think about how your RV is performing now, and see if you can make it do better with greener energy and by focusing on energy efficiency.

5. Upgrade Your RV

If it’s time for a new RV anyway, then being conscious about eco-friendly RVing makes sense. It’ll secure your RV as being fit for the future, and it’ll mean you’re doing right by the planet right now. Look into different RVs and think about how green they are. And if you want our advice, you should check out anything by the Coachmen Freedom Express brand because they’ve actually been Certified Green, making them one of the most eco-friendly RV brands around. You can check out what they have to offer on our website here.

6. Leave No Trace

And finally, focus on the Leave No Trace initiative when camping and RVing. Leave No Trace has been operating for a while now, but there are still plenty of people in the RVing and camping communities that forget the key principles, and honestly, they’re not even hard to follow. We’d like to highlight the main principles of Leave No Trace so you can have a greener RV trip:

  • Only use official campgrounds: this lessens guests’ impact on the environment and helps preserve the natural world
  • Plan ahead and prepare: this will mean you’re prepared for any eventuality
  • Dispose of waste properly: being responsible with waste disposal is vital
  • Leave what you find: this keeps the environment exactly as it was before you arrived
  • Minimize campfires: only used designated campfire spots and only use them for as long as is necessary
  • Respect wildlife: you’re in their home now, so make sure you’re being considerate

By following Leave No Trace’s main advice, you’ll be able to camp and RV sustainably, so you’re guaranteeing a greener trip.

As you can see, eco-friendly RVing isn’t just a pipe dream anymore. There are steps you can take today for a greener trip that’ll have a much smaller impact on the environment, and if we want to continue hitting the road and enjoying the natural world more in the future, then we’ll all have to think greener every time we set foot in our RVs.

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